Friday, May 27, 2005

Going to bat for vegans...sort of

From ABC Sport:
"Australian cricket legend Greg Chappell has begun his stint as India's national coach with a public plea against killing animals and eating meat, saying the secret of good health is to become a vegetarian.
Chappell, 56, teamed up with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for an Indian ad campaign that promotes veganism - a diet free of meat, eggs and dairy products.
The advertisement shows a fighting-fit Chappell holding a bat below the tagline: "Don't settle for less than a century. Go vegan"."

Chappell today clarified that he had not teamed up with PETA.
"PETA had issued a statement a few days back, saying Chappell recommended vegetarianism in his book titled 'Health and Fitness'.
The former Australia captain said PETA was wrong to use his name for their 'wider campaigns'."


Anonymous site said...

Pretty helpful info, lots of thanks for this article.

5:46 AM  

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